Every businessman is aware how much money he will have to shell out from his pocket every time he posts an advertisement in a newspaper or get flyers printed or use any other marketing strategy. Though it is an investment as it brings you clients in future, yet you would prefer something that would help you make more money at your Medspa without incurring any expenses on the marketing. Well this is possible with the upselling trend of marketers to their already established clients.

What is Upselling?

Upselling is a marketing technique used by many marketers for increasing their money bank. In this technique they help a customer in making a decision to a buy something extra or up-grade their final purchase. The one product which is proving to be a great upsell is the eyelash enhancer or the Latisse, take home products or the peels. Since these products require a prescription from the doctor, you can make it available at your Medspa and save them the inconvenience of going all the way to their health practitioner and then back to the drug store.

Having clients at your Medspa will help you get their attention. You can take this to your advantage and inform them about the benefits of the various beauty products you offer. This way you send an advertising message to your clients without spending any money and those clients would spread it via word-of-mouth. Also when these clients are already at your store they would not hesitate in buying any add on products thereby increasing your sale.

Effortless Upselling of Products

The main aspect of upselling is that it should be effortless. As this is done once the customer has made a big purchase so the major part of the sales conversation is already done.  Doing so, you have already established a connection with the client and identified his requirements along with presenting him the benefits of the products and handed him that order. Upselling is nothing but providing information in “by-the-way” manner.


Mistakes in Upselling

The three big mistakes that a marketer does when approaching with upselling techniques are:

  1. He doesn’t make an attempt to upsell the product.
  2. The sales person crosses his limit and comes off as pushy.
  3. The customer refuses to upgrade as the upselling wasn’t convincing enough.

Strategies of Upselling

The effective strategies used in the upselling technique are:

  1. You need to make assumptions that the customer will want to buy it. You shall begin with the technique by announcing a few benefits and then if the customer seems interested you shall tell him something unique about it that attracts his attention. If you don’t want to sound pushy ask for the customer’s permission.
  2. You shall not put your needs infront of your customers. So you shall never give the customer a product that you would purchase. You should focus on whether the product is satisfying the customer’s needs or not and not on your satisfaction. This will help you upsell with integrity and effectiveness.
  3. Let the customer use the product in your location so that you can show him how beneficial it can be for them.

Every businessman should practically take note on whether or not employees could perk up the way they up-sell. For this, a little proficient training can make a world of distinction.